I began my athletic career as a hockey player at the age of 12, and thought i'd be playing hockey forever. Little did I know endurance sports would quickly take over as my love, and at the start of high school I joined a rowing team. From there I dove in head first and never looked back.
After two years of rowing I started coaching some on the side and have continued on to this day, first at the masters level and later working with high school and collegiate athletes.
During my time involved with the sport i've had the chance to work with and under some amazing coaches and have learned a lot about what makes a coach/athlete relationship successful, and i've carried this over to my own coaching.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Start of the offseason

I'm happy to report back that after a month of being fat and lazy training is slowly picking back up and feeling great.
Running is back up over 45mpw and climbing, and everything is feeling great thus far.
I had a pair of 10 milers this past weekend through Wissahickon park,  both on the rolling dirt roads of Forbidden Drive. Saturdays run was 1:08 and sundays was 1:04, both felt great and i cant wait for next weeks fast run out there.

This is where the runs took place for those that have not been there: